
Wanted: Your Old WWII German Daggers, Swords, and Military Items
Also U.S. and Japanese Swords and Militaria
Medals |
Shoulderboards |
Uniforms |
Flags |
Weapons |
Helmets |
Cufftitles |
Watches |
Armbands |
Badges |
Patches |
Collartabs |
Fill out our form to get an estimate of what your militaria is worth.
Or, call, write, or e-mail with your descriptions, photos, or digital images.
Militaria can also be mailed (please insure) for an offer to the address
at the bottom of the page.
The Dagger Collector
PO Box 46
New Stanton, PA 15672
Phone: (412) 780-5129
(toll free call in the 412 and 724 area codes)
The Dagger Collector is a member of the National Rifle Association, the
Pennsylvania Gun Collectors' Association, the Ohio Gun Collectors' Association,
the Hecla Club, and the Forks of the Delaware Weapons Association.